A person who is sad, but calling them a name that starts with the same letter. Similar to a Debbie downer or a nice Nancy.
She is being a real sad sally today.
by Cirquewitch July 24, 2022
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When your friend takes the biggest L of their life
Your mom did take the L on you because her and your dad got divorced? That a sad to know you hour
by Darkquavis January 1, 2019
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A man or woman at the roulette table in caesars palace who can’t afford to put down at least 100 dollars on red or black.
Well would you look at these sad sacks wearing the phish shirts.
by Burgertime22 November 24, 2021
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When you leave work abruptly and do not return for several days due to sadness. Usually brought on by female coworkers.
Sarah hurt Bob’s feelings at work, so he left early for an unplanned sadness sabbatical. He will be back Monday.
by Offcefg June 15, 2023
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Almost any time in the day when a NIGGA, feels sad. Normally about 12am.
-"Dude, im in SAD NIBBA HOURS, my girlfriend left me" :(
-"Shit thats sad, ACTIVATE SAD NIBBA HOURS".
by MemeBOIiiiiiiii October 16, 2017
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