The absolute worst place ever. Resembling a prison, school is just a child labor camp that is required by law. Legalized child labor
Kid 1: I have to go to school tomorrow
Kid 2: Dont
by ejnjejnejenjj September 23, 2022
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a massive hole of hell were are time can be better used at home
by jeberbeber September 16, 2021
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A place where a bunch of old nerds force you to solve problems you will never actually have outside of it.
Wanna play at the park? i have school sorry dude.
by memeyshlimoloninie May 18, 2023
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a waste of time. It is absolutely pointless. You “learn” the same thing over and over again for 7 hours every day. you wake up at 6am to go to this absolute nothingness. you don’t even learn anything. all the teachers will see in you is your grade. they don’t care about mental and physical health. they don’t care about spending time with family. all it ever wants in you is to learn something like algebra that will never help you in life. 8 hours of sleep? all of them were wasted on the homework that defines your entire life. you go every weekday and then get a one or two day break. it’s useless. nobody wants to go to school with unsupportive people. they don’t care about you. school is messed up.
Person A: What’s that terrible child prison called again? Y’know, the one that takes ever inch of sleep away and ruins you childhood?
Person B: Oh, that’s called school!
by thedictionaryhumanbeing October 7, 2022
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A piece of hell that was dragged up by satan himself because it was too harsh. It will stamp out your individuality and force you to become a mindless drone just like the rest who have already fallen. rebels the last bastion of people who refuse to be stomped on by the government
Jason: Why is there a prison in our neighborhood?
David: no that's just juvie but for innocent people, school
by corperation November 3, 2021
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worse then hell
is that hell?
no that school...
oh no...
by iburped101 March 7, 2022
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