a mountain biker who looks hot asf when he’s racing or just going fast. likes to put bros before hoes at all times… especially when he’s out shredding trails
girl 1: wow that mountain biker looks so hot when he’s racing.
girl 2: yeah, it almost makes me wanna date him!
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high mountain middle school is hell. no one who’s ever went there is proud to say it. where 5th graders get caught for vaping. this school is filled with stuck up little bitches who no one likes. high mountain middle school sucks. except everyone’s favorite teacher. 99.9% of the students are white. high mountain sucks
by udontknowme November 11, 2021
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When you shit in a condom, then put it in the freezer until frozen, then use it as a dildo.
Hey, last night was crazy. You remember Sharon? She totally did the Rocky Mountain trucker when we went back to her place
by Rmt223 July 11, 2017
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Having a meltdown as a direct result of hiking or cycling up a steep hill.
‘I think I’ll buy some jelly babies just in case Emma has a Gay Mountain Moment’
by ggowgal February 20, 2021
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A drinking game in which you have four beers and four joints. It is then your job to finish all of the joints and beers while alternating between the two.
Let’s do the misty mountain hop tonight. I got beat by my dad last night and I’m trying to forget about it for a little.
by Gary.. May 29, 2018
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Very Uncommon word used as an insult to call somebody fat.
Person 1. You Miniature Mountain

Person 2. *cries*.
by ARandomBystander April 9, 2021
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