1. A phrase that describes an inside joke among any number of people

2. A phrase that describes a reference between conversations had previously
by Thepinknudle August 15, 2022
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Know you know how THEY felt when you where saying though mean things!
A dork (objectively) "NoW yOu KnOw HoW tHeY fElT!"

Hym "Well, I know HALF of how they felt because I still don't know how they felt while fucking eachother. SOOOOO... If you want to show me how things feel so badly... Ya know... Chop chop! The room is clean and we're learn how things feel over here!"

Iam "You're also assuming that my response would be the same but, yeah..."
by Hym Iam September 3, 2023
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What you say when someone awkwardly approaches you
“Hey are you that kid who pops into biology and then leaves?”

I’m sorry… Do I know you?”
by I Like To Define Words January 30, 2022
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A comeback that breaks everyones ankles in a matter of seconds
kid 1: Your super fat
kid 2: I know you are but what am I
by thatperfectkid101 May 10, 2023
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Something you say when you know your joke was wack but don’t want to admit it.
Guy 1: If you’re going to eat your words, spit them out and eat them again!
Guy 2: That joke was ass.
Guy 1: I know you are but what am I.
Guy 2: 🤦 ♂️
by Ass_Gobbler69 September 9, 2023
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Someone who goes around thinking things are big and clever, and believe they know it all about everything, but don’t because their still things he / she don’t know about just yet.
OMG what a know it all, who told him all this, we are not letter anyone else in
by Urbantheturban July 8, 2019
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