
To make two people or groups oppose each other so that you can gain/get an advantage from the situation.
Politicians often play both ends against the middle by bringing up religion into the politics.

Synonyms: Work both ends/sides against the middle.
by Zami Karzai September 2, 2018
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1. When someone takes advantage of you.
2. Attempting to the upper hand the other person has already.
3. A relationship where one person was trying to use the other to get what they want. When in fact all the other person wanted was to fuck them.
She thought she was being slick, but everyone knows she had to pay out of both panty legs.
by ronlaygue August 10, 2007
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A Bisexual statement made famous by Frank Ocean's song "Chanel," and it's supposed to be a metaphor since the Chanel logo has two C's facing opposite ways... c what he did there?
Boi: You gay?
Boi 2: nah fam, I see both sides like chanel
by mamamia la papi April 16, 2017
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Used in stating you would wager a large amount on a subject.
I would bet half my ass and both my balls that Pamela Anderson has more STDs than just the Hepatitus C that everyone already knows about.
by Mathias Gruber May 9, 2008
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A phrase often used to engage a female in doggy style intercourse, so both parties can enjoy the film at hand, or just for the shit of it.

Often followed by a negitive reponse.
male: Babe, do you want to do it doggy style?
female: why would I want to do that?
male: So we can both watch tv?
by drummer120uck October 3, 2009
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To be in a relationship when your boyfriend is classy, kind, and deep but thugn it at the same time.
Girl 1: Omg your boyfriend is amazing!
Girl 2: I know, get you a man that can do both.
by CrazyAllCaps December 17, 2017
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This is a southern expression. This term is used to describe a women is extremely sexually active and open to having sex with anyone.
She down to give it to anybody, she throwing that pussy down both pant legs.
by T-Honey Smoke & Trice May 8, 2019
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