A gay Jew. Typically blatantly and obnoxiously homosexual.
Ex. Jason is a Jew Jew Fruit
by filletmignon October 4, 2008
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1. A person that champions, believes in, or practices Judaism; A person of a Jewish background.

2. A highly stingy or greedy person that is usually prosperous but heavily criticized for his ways.

1. "Hey guys you seen that new kid in school?"

" Oh yeah, the kid is a Jew, I went to his bar mitzvah."

2. " Dude who is that one kid in the shirt?"

" Oh that's that Levi kid...he's a Jew he tried to snake me...."
by Chunguie October 8, 2009
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Someone who practice Judaism or has a Jewish mother.

A paranoid person who uses his ultimate power in every occasion: Accusation of being Anti-Semitic!

Someone who thinks the whole world should burn to hell to pay the price of one mad man’s mistake.

Someone who labels every Arab (a.k.a sand people, towel heads, and oil-rich camel riders) a terrorist while secretly selling them weapons.

Someone who would get offended by this and give it a thumbs down.

Someone who fails to realize Semite is not a race and if it was then all Arabs (a.k.a The Enemy) by definition are Sematic as well.
Khalid: Hey Ben
Ben: AAAH! Get away from me you damn terrorist!


Fred: Hey nice hat!
Ben: (mumbles) Anti-semitic bastard...

Alfred: Are you a Jew?
Ben: Who's asking?
by Ben Dover Later November 24, 2006
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A word for people that say they are white but really not
Guy 1 : are you a jew?
Guy 2 : no I'm white
by 459395 March 15, 2022
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A common term for a Jehovah's Witness in school yards across the whole of Great Britain. Usually used by ignorant children who know no better or children who wish to degrade a Jehovah's Witness.
Peter - Don't push in the line you stupid Jew!

Michael - I'm a Jehovah's Witness, not a Jew.

Peter - Fuck off.
by DaftusCuntus September 26, 2009
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To engage in jew like behaviour such as abstaining from bacon or coin collecting.
Stop jewing around and eat your bacon.
by Likeatigrrr March 26, 2018
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somthing or someone being burnt in an oven or a chamber som much that they turn to ashes in no time
Ayronn was Jewwed harshly in a human sized microwave by his ex girlfriend sam because she hated the way he looked
by Italian69 October 3, 2017
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