When a man has penile-vaginal sexual intercourse with a woman who is currently menstruating. Not to be confused with the term red beard which involves oral sex.
Barney had to clean up his penis after earning his red badge of courage with Betty.
by tru@ January 14, 2005
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The act of eating a ass with chunks of fecal matter or shit stains all along the crack of your partners ass. After completing the task you have officially earned your brown badge of courage. You sick bastard.
"Dude last night I finally earned my brown badge of courage with the help of your mom."
by AzNm0Nk3y January 11, 2006
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Mostly occuring in MMORPG's and FPS's, such as WoW or CS, is which players take on the personality and attitude of the character they are using. Fat, nerdy, no-lives are repeat offenders of using courage dot com.
Make It Rain: Another Head-Shot?!?!?!
Make It Rain: I guess that makes you my bitch!!!

%&#Lymph-Node#&%: Log off your courage dot com and say that to my face!!!

Make It Rain:....
Make It Rain: NO! You say it to MY face!
by Joe Blowes April 10, 2007
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When someone tries to be badass over the internet, like on a forum, or blog because they aren't actually face to face with anyone.
DjDiddles: Smiley I'll kick your ass you little punk!
Smiley: Yeah I know you got that "courage dot com" you try talking to me like that to my FACE bitch!
by Schwindlig November 30, 2006
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A show that appeared on Cartoon Network from 1999-2002. It was about a pink dog named Courage that would save his owner and her husband from the evil within the world. Courage has been elected the 48th President of the United States of America. His Vice President is Billy from the Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.
Person 1: Courage the cowardly dog ? That dog had balls of steel fighting that crazy ass shit.

Person 2: Yeah I have got no clue why that Hero was called a coward.

Person 1: good thing he is the 48th President of the United State of America. We can finally have faith in our leaders fighting off the evil in the world.
by MagicMouthwashFrom2001 November 24, 2021
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A very cowardly dog with an ironic yet funny name. And watch the show you dipshits.
Have you heard of Courage The Cowardly Dog?
Fuck No.
Kill yourself you uncultured swine.
by I don't know what this word me November 8, 2018
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creating a personality completely unlike oneself in order to portray to others how "hardcore" you think you are

you're COURAGE DOT COM may impress you junior high classmates but i'm still not scared

if you're not careful your internet personality may infect your brain and spill out into real life and get you killed

by William Jones December 1, 2006
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