A Blaine is the awesomest dude you’ll meet. He is supermegafoxyawesomehot and often gay, and will always be kind to his significant other.
He also has a smooth as a baby’s butt voice.
“Blaine has an amazing butt that looks like it’s been baked to perfection”

“Blaine’s voice is smooth as a baby’s butt”

“Blaine is totally awesome!”

“Blaine is supermegafoxyawesomehot!”
by HarryFreakinPotterBlaine August 14, 2019
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An amazing person who never fails to make their friends smile! They may not be happy all the time but they don't usually show how upset they are. Blaine's are most likely the greatest people you will ever meet!
"Did you hear about Blaine ?
"No, what happened?"
"He really made my day!"
by Rori. May 8, 2020
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is a very sarcastic person but truly cares a lot. blaine has a big heart, she is kind, caring, generous, and sweet. she knows how to treat a person right. she is a happy person and is always up for a good time. she always makes sure there is never a dull moment lived. she's very lucky and kind hearted. she's also strong. she is a very good friend anyone would be lucky to be her friend. she is a chill person. she likes to see everyone happy. she has little patience but she doesn't let that get the best of her. she is an amazing person.
I wish I was more like that Blaine
by October 24, 2020
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A blonde headed fuckface who thinks they are better than everybody but they are really just a scum peice of shit yoohoos
by Bduegeudiggbwheyw February 9, 2020
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Plays fortnite to much then rages and brakes everything!
Dam that kid is a Blaine
by YeetOnThatPussy September 11, 2019
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The biggest bad ass person alive, the best at rubik's cubes and sports
I wish i was blaine
by blaine billings March 13, 2017
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Name of a man that cant get enough of waterfowl season and loves him some pbr
I saw blaine this weekend he was covered in blood and smelled of alchohol
by BADASSFISHERMAN1997 January 12, 2019
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