The spot on your body between your back and your ass.

Randi: *trys to smack my ass but hits my bass"
by Third_Eye June 12, 2008
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A guy who carries the beat in the band. Usually an awesome guy, but always over-looked. Has mad finger skills and a huge penis.
stuff playing guitar, I'm going to become a bass player.
by batman is awesome November 11, 2013
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what exotic bass players do to show off their dominance as an instrumentalist .
slap like now,
also Slap the Bass
by monkeymonger August 21, 2019
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A subgenre of trap music. Most of the time it has more melodic elements than regular traps. Some major features are:
1. Stabby chords (Short chords)
2. Chord Progression tends to end in group of 3s.
3. Lots of mini-sounds such as creaking bed, water droplet, hey chant or any chants in general, gunshots, etc.
4. Trap elements and 808 usage such as hihats or snare rolls. A good 808 subbass can be orgasmic
5. While the name is future bass it doesn't have to be based on the bass (no pun intended). It can instead focus on the mid-end of the spectrum.
6. Trap bpm ranging from 100-160 (Note: these are frequent bpm. There may be outliers.)
7. MODULATIONS. Add some volume or filter modulation on the chords and bam the song is future as fuck.
8. A good way to differentiate between trap and future bass is by identifying the melody. Usually trap music doesn't focus on melody while future bass does. Usually.
9. Arpeggiated chords are common among future bass songs. But then again any genre can use arp, just not regular trap.

These are only a handful of features I can think up on the top of my head and im pretty sure there are more. This is only a guideline thus future bass can vary greatly from these features. If you can check a few boxes on this list then I betcha the song is future bass.
Yo dawg you heard that new dank future bass tune Closer by Chainsmoker?
by Hani Wa September 22, 2016
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Colour Bass is a very cool 😎 and colorful 🌈 fish.
Some Colour Bass fish include Chime, who invented the Colour Bass in a meth lab with the help of Rushdown Records.
Person 1: Hey man have you heard of Colour Bass?
Person 2: No, fuck you.
by sinnth June 13, 2022
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bass guitar
Since most people here seem to be ignorant of what a bass is:

1) It was NOT "based off the guitar", it's an electric adaptation of the double bass which became awkward and increasingly less audible compared to other instruments in the earliest rock/jazz bands.

2) While easier to learn than guitar, it is far far more difficult to master. Anyone can sound cool playing the pentatonic scale and power chords over and over; it takes a great more deal of musical skill and talent to be excellent at bass.

3) On a related note "Anyone who plays guitar can play bass by default" is ridiculous. If you have no sense of rhythm and can't keep a beat, then you can't play bass. Hell, most guitarists I've met can't even play the bass without making the frets buzz their first few times.

4) Bass is a rhythm instrument, with a deeper more mellow sound. Guitar is melodic (or at least mostly used for such). To say bass is inferior to guitar is also stupid.

1) The advent of the electric bass guitar revolutioned new age music

2) A guitarist can sound "amazing" in just a couple years. I'd like to see anyone learn Victor Wooten's Classical Thump in just a couple of years.

3) "Whoa dude whats wrong with your frets? Why are they buzzing??" - Guitarist who thinks he can play bass

4) Have you ever heard a band with two guitarists and no bassist? It sounds like a transistor radio
by Solifuga September 21, 2006
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A person who typically listens to excessive amounts of bass. Usually listens to music in search of bass induced eargasms. Will generally have sub-woofers installed in every speaker system available. Usually found in stores replacing repeatedly blown speaker systems. Will describe bass beats as "gnarly, dirty, sick, filthy etc."
Wow.. She / he is such a Bass Whore
by Basskickinkiki November 18, 2011
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