What your machine or gadget does when it breaks down and quits on you.
Well, the transmission's shot, or the head is blown, or it wouldn't start this morning. My car wins! And I lose in this old time-money-inconvenience round. That temperamental, or worse, heap of lemon! You win if you nip the sucker in the bud with a minimum of drama.
by Milt Alwin February 14, 2011
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Wins is the common phrase used by small penis individuals who have won a game of Fortnite. The amount of wins a Fortnite player has determines how long there dong is (the more wins, the shorter dong)
Yeah bro me and my bud Jack got some hard Wins on Fortnite yesterday
by CameronDOTgov June 19, 2018
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Winning, anyone? Rhymes with winning. Anyone? Yeah, that would be us. Sorry, man, didn’t make the rules. Oops!”
by bananarchy17 March 7, 2011
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An adjective for somone who surpasses the definition of Winning, therefore # is placed before the word.
by #Winnanator March 10, 2011
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“The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning,” “Just winning every second,” “Winning, anyone?” “Duh, winning!”
by yssim999 March 2, 2011
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To live a sex and drug fueled lifestyle like Charlie Sheen while banging seven-gram rocks in such a way that your brain fires in a way that’s maybe not from, uh… this terrestrial realm

by mmacado March 2, 2011
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