When you are overbearingly nice to people in chance encounters with friends and strangers alike. This is more of a you need to be friends with in a passive aggressive way.
Friend A: Sara was being violently friendly with me yesterday and I wasn’t a fan.

Friend B: She probably didn’t mean it that way.
by YourePhinestHighness August 21, 2020
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Is a euphemism for eating out one's ass intensely, referring to the meme of a dude eating out another dude's ass while on the news report about a violent protest in Minneapolis.
"I was with this girl last night and things got hot and heavy. I ended up doing a Violent Protest in Minneapolis to her."
by violentprotestinminneapolis November 7, 2021
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When someone sends multiple one sentence text messages in rapid succession when they are pissed off and are trying unsuccessfully to vent, or are in a situation that makes them feel so uncomfortable that they somehow have lost the ability to communicate as an adult. They feel that their inherit righteousness is somehow above all others, and that their personal needs should be met immediately.
Me: Dude, I had a 30 minute drive to Home Depot, and that bitch Mandy texted me 19 times while I was on the road.

Him:. Bro, that bitch sounds like a serious Violent Texter!
by Molexi August 2, 2019
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A hardcore punkrock band from Philadelphia Pennsylvania formed by Pat Society and Mick D'Kaye. Formed when the two met in 10th grade and bonded over a shared love of The Cro Mags and DRI , they originally began Violent Society as a joke, writing songs making fun of the asshole jocks and teachers in thier technical school.

The album "Not Enjoyin It" (released in 1995) is one of the most underrated brilliant punk hardcore releases of the past 25 years. They released a bunch of others but this record fucking smokes- everyone of the goddamn 20+ songs are anthems and bands like The Casualties and The Virus only wish they wrote a single memorable song matching the caliber of anything on Not Enjoyin it
"Wassup Mike Crasshole, you wanna go check out VIOLENT SOCIETY and AUS ROTTEN in West Philly tonite after we snatch a few 40oz brewskies from Hoagie City?"
by SalWithoutOrfice May 25, 2023
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