Having sex with the same gender (Can also make for a great porn video).
Brian: Dude I'm so embarrassed from last night, it was suicide.
John: Oh God, I won't be surprised if you have aids after that.
by Lambful September 6, 2018
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Someone who wants to go to heaven/hell quicker. As youve seen people blowing eachother up in Iraq. Suicide bombers are stupid they cant even kill themselves properly. They have to kill others around them by blowing them up from thir fumes and fire. them Iraqui bombers couldnt bomb themselves up if it depended on their lives. Its exactly like saying to God you cant fire me I quit.
Suicidal Bomber 1: Where'd that bomb go?
Suicidal Bomber 2: Its on your head Sir.
Suicidal Bomber 1: Good. Have you got on yours?
Suicidal Bomber 2: Yup :)
Suicidal Bomber 1: It will blow up in 30 mins.

5 Mins Later......


News: Iraq was blown up yesterday by two pathetic stupid suicidal bombers which were found dead with bombs on their heads.
by Da Miker June 1, 2005
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Looked this up beacuse you're viewing it as an option and hope someone says something nice like "a thing people do when they feel awful, so be nice to them"? Wrong site for you. It's full of definitions that will hurt your feelings. I recommend calling your local suicide hotline or going to a different site, like Google. You matter.
Suicide is an answer, but not the answer
by Gotta let go October 10, 2020
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Suicide is the feeling where you think killing yourself is a solution.

If you are ever thinking about suicide please call your local suicide hotline and don't feel scared to tell people about what you are feeling.
To find your local suicide hotline look up "suicide hotlines" and go to the Wikipedia list
Shane was getting bullied at school and almost committed suicide, but he talked to his therapist about his feelings.
by petrich May 9, 2019
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Suicide means killed, or is going to kill yourself depends on the way you use it in your sentence
Friend: Hey wheres kamilia
Guy: she committed suicide
by Ohsoyouspamspam November 28, 2018
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Suicide is no fucking joke okay? People sit around and laugh at people that cuts their wrists.. y’all say it’s for attention.. we’ll guess fucking what it’s not always for attention. Most the time people that cut or say they wanna die they actually wanna die.. They feel numb and feel like there’s nobody that care or love them.. wanna know how I know because I’m one of them people.. I sit in my room and cut all damn day everyday.. I feel worthless.. I feel like I can’t achieve shit.. I’ve tried everything and nothing works... if you see someone that you think might be cutting or someone that you know wanna die be there for them.. don’t just say oh it’s okay cause that don’t help 💯 that makes it worse cause we know that nothing’s gonna be okay... Be there for someone going through suicidal thoughts 💭
I just wanna commit suicide right about now 😩
by Elizabeth 🤪 September 25, 2019
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Damn, after his divorce he committed Self report.
Smh, don't use self report as a synonym for suicide, that's just uncultured.
by amongusfunnymoment February 2, 2021
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