The duo that nobody can break. They are the double J’s

Jazmin probably is the one who is more active and Jamal is just there
“Ay is that Jamal and jazmin?”
“Yeah..their a power couple fr
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Guardian star of all our dreams. Lover of our love and accomplice of the union that we had that december 18.
EX: The word Jazmine 𓇼 can be used to express the great love you have for someone.
by lluvia amarga January 25, 2022
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absolute angel. great perosn m8888. name can be also associated with a flower. beef man ting with darren uno
my favourite person is 'jazmine rose hill'
by pottypaul456 October 19, 2017
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A bright girl with a cute smile. She is nice and beautiful. She has a very nice body and skinny. She is the perfect girl to be with. If you ever cross one than you would be lucky to even get her.
Did you see Jazmine Stuart, she so fine. She always looking like a snack.
by Jasmine Stuart November 10, 2018
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Jazmine is one of a kind. She is very brifht. She would help you if she can. She is funny and nice. She is skinny, tall, and sexy. If you come across her try to be her friend or if you can be her boyfriend.
Damn did you see Jazmine Stuart, she was looking bomb.
by Jasmine Stuart November 10, 2018
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