A retarded dumb ass that likes putting his peepee in dogs
Caleb likes his peepee inside of dogs
by Savageslayer69 November 28, 2018
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A lonely fat ass that can be kinda funny at times.
Person 1: Do you know Caleb?
Person 2: Oh yeah isnt he that one fat kid that has like no friends?
Person 1: Yeah, thats the one! He's fat lol
by Your Neighbour CJ March 7, 2020
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Tyler: why isn't Caleb at school
Connor:He's to busy at home fucking his dog brah
by Eeshay February 29, 2020
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A gay person who stores his homoerotic pornography collection under their thick layer of blubber so others cannot see and is also a white fuck
That Caleb is is stealing my shit
by Dr Swagger 6969 February 14, 2018
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A tall, chubby, brown haired boy with a great group of friends. Usually plays nerd games like: Magic the Gathering, D&D, Pokemon, ect. He HATES 7th graders. He is also socially awkward and depressed.
"Wow, Caleb is such a nerd!"
by TOOGUD4U_M8 March 9, 2018
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Caleb is very sweet,nice,cute and funny.caleb is the type of boy girls drool over and boys wish they were him.Caleb is very athletic and strong. Caleb is good at everything he does. My bestfriend is named caleb let me tell u he may appear shy and innocent but when u get to know him he is ......CRAZY AF lol! Caleb wont open up to u very easily. Caleb is a very loyal and trustworthy friend.Caleb always wears a smile on his face and walks with pride.He is creative and determined at everything he does. Caleb's are the BEST advice givers out there.He will give u the best advice in any situation u need! He is also the friend that somehow gets his bestfriends crush without even trying because he is so CUTE and OPTIMISTIC!!!!!❤
Caleb is very sweet and cute
by KP!!! December 21, 2019
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A genuine Hebrew dog. His signature move is the felch ,you will find this dog boy at gaycare and claims compo for sore ass.holds signs at truckstops free skiing lessons
Hey please don't be a Caleb you fkn Caleb. Stop acting a Caleb,going to the toilet to do a Caleb out of my caleb
by Impact warrior February 6, 2018
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