Many people get confused with the abbreviation and acronym of Be Right Back. The correct term is it is an abbreviation of BRB.
what is the abbreviation for be right back BRB
by stevesmith December 14, 2013
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Used by gamers to let their party members know they are taking a small bathroom break.

Party members walk up to the boss room
The healer really has to pee
"Guys brb bio" - The Healer
"Ok np" - The tank
"What?" - The rogue
"She will be right back, bathroom break" - The Tank
"What's bio?" - The fighter
"It means Bathroom In and Out, and sometimes biology, because nature is calling" - The Tank
by razersnek February 5, 2023
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yeah they aren't coming back ever again...
Bro1: Meme Here that's annoying
Bro2: LOL brb
Bro1: OK!!!
by xNoerPlays May 1, 2023
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Me:Hey Mia brb i got to go make my sis a bottle!

Mia:Ok Be Back Soon!
by KKTHEBOMB111(checkout myroblox February 21, 2017
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