Being driven to a store and running inside to get something quickly while the person driving waits outside and keeps the car running.
"We don't have time to get drinks! We're going to be late"
"We can just do a drive buy. Give me your card"
by MisterApplesauce November 10, 2017
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When someone “likes” one of your recent Facebook posts, but when you ask them about it, they have little recollection of having seen it.
“Dude, you “liked” my Facebook post about that chick that i put up Monday, and now you’re acting like you never saw it? Hmmm. Must’ve been a “drive-by like”.
by Rahad Jackson January 1, 2023
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To systematically bet more than others do in 7 card Texas hold'em remembering to have more chips just in case you bluff and lose.
You castle your drive in poker by betting bigger, and playing louder, but without saying a word, than those who don't know how to bet bigger, for more fun, knowing your hand may be just better gambling on your part.
by TrueBlueHue1 September 16, 2023
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It is when you see your fat friend about to eat his big mac and in order to save him from assured and certain death from obesity, you decide to drive-by and slap it right out of his hands down to the ground as if you're performing the most vicous dunk in your life.
Did you see Tyrone just Big mac drive-by Jason?
by Pinehawkjar June 19, 2017
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When you haven't bathed in a while, and you simply take hand sanitizer and wipe it over your junk/"down under" for a quick refresher/cleaning before going out.
I didn't shower after last night, so I just hit the Australian Drive-Thru instead.
by Okra&Tomatoes September 17, 2020
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Swerving all over the road, trying to hit someone in the back seat.
"He wasn't drunk, but he did get it charged with Aggravated Dad Driving."
by Curly 42 March 17, 2019
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When you attach the Dilldo to your chin so you can eat her out and slam the her ass at the same time.
She wanted more aggressive foreplay but was surprised with the Dutch Drive Inn. FILLING the dong whole and the wrong whole at once.

Put an expression of shock and delight on her face.
by Kurt guy from Oregon May 28, 2022
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