sickness some ppl get after smokin a blunt
yo he trippin i think he got blunt sickness
by qeetybvdwsvhjn January 26, 2019
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sick is a feeble person not able to do anything
by My.Mom.Hits.Me January 8, 2021
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A porte-manteau term of both "sick" (totally awesome) and "legend" (someone worth of respect), this term is used to express a sentiment of extreme support, respect and recognition in the face of extraordinary feats, track record or performance by the subject person at hand. Believed to have originated in the Australian Sydney Basin but has since spread to North America.
"Is Sue any good, should we hire her? Dude! She is a sick legend"
"Mate! My computer stopped working the day after I bought it, I called the shop and they delivered a replacement the next day! They are sick legends.
by yeevesmano July 20, 2020
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Diarrhea. Named for the fact that when one is stricken, one spends much of their time walking back and forth to the toilet.
He couldn't stay at his desk; he had a bad case of the walking sickness.
by EmperorNorton47 February 2, 2021
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When you're so hyped up on coffee your body starts rejecting it. It can be confused with the flu if you've been around people who've had it (if you got your immunization shots then this would rule it out)

The next moment you're rushing to the bathroom holding your stomach for dear life,

"Damn it (ughplr) I'm coffee sick again
by Funnyjake2011 March 26, 2016
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