Refers to someone who clearly knows how to liven up a bedroom, since body-shaming is so last year. You can't choose your body, but you can always choose how you use it. Plus, it's gender-neutral. The counterpart to this is "dead bed energy".
Erica: "Brad is so sweet. He just called out his friends for making homophobic jokes."

Janet: "Whoa, you gotta get on that. That is some frisky bed energy."
by TulipKitten November 1, 2021
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A Wife that gripes from bed that her husband is taking too long on the toilet. Sometimes accusing him of being a "Toilet Gamer".
What is this, my Wife just interrupted my game of Candy Crush to call me a Toilet Gamer...... what a Bed Griper!
by jcdxtreme June 2, 2013
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A bed weasel is someone who hides under their covers if they are afraid. They often are sly and such when they’re in bed with someone and is the type of person you’d like in your love life. Bed weasels are known to sleep in, the name says it all.
Hey, did you hear Alice is a bed weasel? I think I’m going to ask her out.
Go for it, bed weasels are amazing!
by DuckyDefinition March 19, 2018
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When your man TRIES to discretely jack-off next to you in bed, thinking you're fast asleep, when in all reality, your laying there quietly, as the mattress gently, yet distinctly begins to bounce slightly, then more and more rapidly until he finally gets it done or until you kindly ask if he would like some help.
I get secretly turned on when my boyfriend plays Jack-In-The-Bed.
by posterpoker13 November 22, 2015
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