In science, an illusory trend created by conflating two different kinds of data.
"I've just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards)... to hide the decline." - climatologist Phil Jones, in the most infamous Climategate email
by SaveTheEndangeredAdverb July 23, 2016
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Victim with quality, traits or lack of experience that makes getting over easy.
Louie: Git the money from MaryLou, she ain't got no game.
Friend: Ahhh, that's low. She's a straight-up dip trick.
Sally: Here's comes dip trick.
Friend: I'd take him if his dick or wallet was as big as his ego.
by TelynAgain June 4, 2007
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Phone Tricks are things that you can do with your phone, or even things regarding the subject of phones, that you can do that accomplishes a task for your phone, or accomplishes at least something that has to do with phones, or the matters of. has some pretty cool phone tricks on the homepage.
by Jr H Roger June 21, 2023
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(Derivative of Gordie Howe Hat Trick)

Scoring an own goal against your team and two goals (aka a brace) for your team.

Immortalized by Wayne Rooney's performance against Stoke City on October 20, 2012.
"He was on pace for a Wayne Rooney Hat-Trick after the first 45 minutes, but couldn't net another goal in the second half."
by BrendanInJersey January 21, 2017
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A hat trick in soccer is scoring three goals in one game. A German hat trick is scoring three consecutive goals in the same half, a much more difficult task.

On a weekend vacation break, having sex with three different (fresh meat) partners is a hat trick. Three partners in a 24 hour period is a German hat trick.

A Swiss hat trick is similar to a German hat trick but quirkier. The difference is no washing during the 24 hour period.

A Swiss hat trick is having intercourse with three different sexual partners within a 24 hour period with zero intimate washing.
You must be a true pulling machine to complete the Swiss hat trick. Ron completed it in Skegness after a couple of previous Swiss braces.
by Geordie6 June 16, 2024
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A stupid bitch who fucks with people’s shit in the work place.
That work ass trick is creeping on my turf.
by The Bellagio April 15, 2023
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