Boot(Dutch)translated to English is ship.

Keep your dirty talk on the boot(ship).
Inappropriate conversation in public.

When you talk to your girlfriend at the same way you talk to your friends/colleague's
Sailors talk a lot about dirty stuff.
When your girlfriend tells you to stop talking about inappropriate subjects . She will firmly say the word, boot!
If you say to her: I want to have xxx with you at Christmas dinner table when the all the family is sitting on the same table.
She will just shout, Boot.
by RealSailor January 6, 2022
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noun: The UK’s one-stop-shop for beauty, health, and that sandwich you grab during lunch breaks. Also, a place you accidentally spend half your paycheck.
“Forgot my mascara and need a quick bite? I’m heading to Boots!”
by MrGreen August 18, 2023
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1. To be heavily intoxicated by any type of substance

2. To abuse a substance

3. To consume a substance very quickly with the results of being heavily intoxicated

4.To refer to past heavily intoxication
(aka: Dude Im so f*cked)

(aka: You're heavily intoxicated)

(aka: I was so heavily intoxicated)
by kanandphil October 20, 2008
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Bo's hot butt. Bo is a hot babe at my skool.
Damn, loook at that boot go by!
by j varone December 13, 2004
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Man1:Her body is a 7.5, but her face is boot.
Man2:Yeah, double brown bag that.
by flo-bee February 22, 2007
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Referring to an outfit or an attire of certain variety. Outfits that look good. if adding scary it may be an outfit that is too good to wear or the fit was an attempt and a fail.
“Wait… it’s giving boots.”
“That’s scary fucking boots girl.”
“Cunty boots”
Boots the house down
by karmbootsbugwoman September 16, 2023
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