Thinking about relationships and being horny all the time and can't stop thinking bout girls/women?

Yeah that is it.
Why is he thinking so much about girls?

He is horny with platinum
by Imgonnawaveatyouandwegosmilin September 6, 2019
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A day that occurs one week after horny day. People irl have the right to insult horny people, and discord moderators have the right to mute horny people, even if it's not in the rules.
Guy A: Ugh you didn't give me your nudes!!!!
Girl: What the fuck man.
Guy B: ?mute @retard being a horny fuck.
Girl: Hooray for Anti-Horny day!
by Ashcool April 16, 2021
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When your in the middle of have sex with a girl you must yell HORNY SAM and get fucked by a guy
i just horny sammed last night
by Bignutwhore June 23, 2020
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when you get horny towerds the end of the school day and you need to go home and nut
jeff: bruh you want to go to the club meeting.

david: nah I got horny on the 7
by Adolfjoesphstalinhitler January 8, 2020
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A move where a person must stay awake for multiple days, and then fucks his companion, trying to stay awake long enough to pull out.
I tried the horny insomniac with my wife, but I failed and now shes pregnant.
by Dongle dude 666 May 14, 2018
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Horny uwu is basically what Nam does best. She likes the cute aesthetic but is a complete perv and is sexually frustrated for anime characters. However stays calm unless bored or triggered but its all about the horny in cute aesthetic
Don't you think Vivi is a horny uwu type?

Whyyyy would you say that?
Well she sent like, you know,

A what!?
A eroge manga screenshot and you know she super gives off cute and innocent....well tries to, soooo it came outta left field why she broke character
Ahhh yeah that makes sense, whatta you know Vivi is a horny uwu girl
by HighTeaBitch February 7, 2023
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When you’re on a role of good ideas
“Dude, i got high yesterday and afterwards I got so brain horny
by Lildick42069 December 24, 2019
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