The male counter part to a horse girl. A Rubik’s cube boy always has his Rubik’s cube in hand and possibly a second in a plastic case. He will frequently take apart and put his Rubik’s cube back together for no reason.
That Rubik’s cube boy was playing with his Rubik’s cube the entire class.
by Ironbunnz August 13, 2023
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my dad said their the boys who will die virgins
hun scooter boys are virgins for life.
by kickrocks November 28, 2020
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A boy that uses a scooter.

Typically one that has a scooter that is silver and runs smoothly.
“Look its another Scooter boy!”
“How many boys have scooters?!”
“We need to find a new scooter boy! That guy is outdated!”
by heeeheeeee July 19, 2022
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A term used for scantly clad men. Gold digger males. Also used when cat calling a male who doesn't have on alot of clothes. Also used in the gay community as a sarcastic term of endearment.
" Looking good hoochie boy, un due the rest of those buttons on that shirt!" or "yassss sis serve the girls hoochie boy tuhday hunty"
by Vajean Pussway May 28, 2022
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When you have a thing for white boys who are almost guaranteed to screw you over eventually, and with no warning.

You know this is a definite possibility but you can't get out of the trap.

Everything is going great and then, BAM.
A: "I need your help."
B: "Why?"
A: "I'm stuck in the white boy trap again."

C: "I've been talking to him for a while and now suddenly he's being all weird."
D: "I told you to be careful of the white boy trap."
by YourWordsHypnotiseMe May 26, 2021
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