on this day (February 21) if the ability to remove a discord user's warnings exists, they must be removed from as many discord user as possible in your server. removed warns on this day cannot be replaced and any new warns on this day are invalidated.
mod: !warn @user

bot: @user now has 3 warns!

mod: 3 warns = ban so bye

user: no its discord warn removal day

mod: ah I see
!unwarn @user

bot: @user has been unwarned, 0 warns remain!
by Hehe I cheated February 19, 2021
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A way off keeping your sunburned friends in check, by slapping their burn with one finger.
Dan: my sunburn hurts so bad

Steve: quit complaining about it

Dan: It hurts really bad (continues complaining)

(Steve smacks Dan's sunburn with one finger)

Dan: Why did you do that?
Steve: you wouldn't shut up, next time it will be my whole hand. Not just a one finger warning shot.
by Captainjack July 3, 2013
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When you rig your home or place of work with a mechanism to identify if someone is coming to find you.
luckily I heard that squeaky door open when my mum came home, I was able to close all my pornhub windows and tuck my cock under my belt / cover it with my t-shirt. thank god for my Michael Jackson's early warning system.
by Marc Hudson March 25, 2019
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A Halo CE modding error. It is when you have overlapping faces, missing pollies, etc. That is in 3ds max or in gmax.
In 3ds max, to fix the error do this:
Open up the model with the error and go to File>import>(go to your halo ce root directory and select debug.wrl then you will see green-red faces, delete or fix those as desired.
C:\program Files\Microsoft games\Halo Custom Edition> Tool.exe collision geometry scenery\T7
Could Not read map './toolbeta.map'
### Collision-Geometry.jms
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
### WARNING Possible T-Junction (pink)
(for roughly 70+ times)
by TJ117 May 6, 2007
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