Derived from Daphne Stacks, meaning the stench of a mulattoe. A gesture used among one african-american and mulattoe friend in a joking manner.
Girl you smell like ass swank you damn mulattoe. (Joking Manner)
by I. Jackson December 6, 2004
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being a complete doshe bag or a fuck face or in some cases a dick sucker.
dude u shot my dog u swank rubin.
hey u swank rubin you just kicked me in the nuts
by Hunter Bullock April 23, 2008
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A subdivision of the wank bank in a man's mind. The place where he keeps ladies of questionable gender i.e. Hilary Swank, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lady Gaga.
Every man: Hold on, I'm saving that image for my Swank bank.
by Heavysemi November 15, 2013
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a girl that has a good looking body, like it could be in penthouse magazine, but something has her face looking like she is from the trailer park which only qualifies her for swank magazine. She has the perfect form for taking a cup of throat yogurt.
L: Check out that bitch.
T: Yeah but look at her face.
L: Oh Shit.
T: Yeah thats a swank face, on a penthouse body.
by T Y February 4, 2007
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When you have too much swag that when you wank you do it in a bucket
“Omg who’s that snobby kid over there.” “Oh yeah that’s Ben, he’s a swank bucket
by lmao rip January 22, 2020
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Fuck I found jack's mum in tinder time for swanking and a pot noodle and a wank
by Swa ke September 22, 2023
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