Also known as "Grand Crapids" or "Crap Rapids," a shitty city in West Michigan. The unemployment rate is 12% and the shopping centers and roads are PACKED 24/7. No one has a job yet everyone is buying stuff and crowding up the stores. The sky is gray 9 out of 12 months, the sun does not exist there in 9 mths, which makes you freezing, pale, and depressed. Full of ghetto people and bums who ask for money, and if you give them food they throw it back in your face, cuz you damn well they wanna buy some weed! Nothing to look at. There are no mountains - its flat as fuck. Burglaries and crime are rampant. Home of the Rodrick Dantzler killing spree. People do not know how to drive. The "beach" is not a beach. It is like a shitty, cold ass arctic icy body of water. And last but not least the vehicles look like they are just coming from a war zone in Iraq, or were used for practice in military bombing. There are no auto inspections and no one knows how to use a f@#king turn signal/directionals-which explains why every car looks like it came from a war zone because of accidents, or possibly being hit by IEDs (and no one has money to fix it, nor do the cops care if your car ain't safe to drive!) If you have lived somewhere else other than here, than you KNOW what I'm talking about...welcome to life in a third world country...
Hey, have you been to Grand Rapids, MI? Oh yeah, that shitty city in the US that is like Afghanistan!
by Zooky1 January 12, 2012
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The Town Where Judy Garland Was Born in.It is in northern Minnesota.THIS TOWN IS NOT THE ONE IN MICHIGAN!
I Visited Grand Rapids MN
by Adventure Videos January 22, 2022
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Unplanned Explosion.
Just after take off the rocket made an unscheduled rapid disassembly.
by mlhiss April 20, 2023
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euphemism for using the toilet, especially "sitting down."
Boss: "Dave, where'd you go after you punched in?"

Dave: "Sorry, boss, I had to stop by the Rapid Weight Loss Center."
by Deester May 24, 2007
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Its not Cedar Rapids its Hilary Clinton's "Just chilling in Cedar Rapids."
Barney:where are you Hilary
Hilary: I'm just chilling in Cedar Rapids
Barney: Where?

Hilary: Just chilling in Cedar Rapids
Barney: WHAT DO YOU MEAN??!?!
Hilary: Chilling in Cedar Rapids
by By NotJesus December 22, 2020
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Coon Rapids High School (CRHS) is the most ghetto school in Anoka county. All the girls are fake and all the guys want are nudes. The teachers are annoying asf and assign so much homework for no reason. Our sports suck and all the guys think they’re gonna go pro. Also known as Coon Ratchet.
Oh you go to Coon Rapids High School? You must be ghetto...
by ihearthoochiemamas February 16, 2021
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To text incensantly with rapid fire speed so that as person is responding with text, they are continually receiving texts from one or more senders. Also known as Comrade Heathen Rapid Fire Text. Causes uncontrollable giggling on senders part and unimaginable frustration on receivers part. Has been linked to stealing of fur hats.
Mary Ellen and Stumble Biscuits were rapid fire torture texting Maria whilst Maria was heading over to their house. By the time she arrived she was in a frenzied state while the senders were stuck in extreme non-stop giggles.
by FunDipAQ March 13, 2012
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