A small vehicle with four wheels, and a handlebar. Used for grocery shopping.
Trolley stealing is considered a federal crime. Especially if the thief enters the shopping centre at nighttime. Do not take said trolley through suburban streets after midnight.
by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 2, 2020
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Someone who veers around like an out-of-control supermarket trolley. They don't really have one clear point and usually end up hurling a meaningless, catch-all insult when they've lost the argument.
You Trolley!
by Ray O'Light October 7, 2023
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Trolley is a low-key insult, not too popular, but is the equivalent to calling someone a muppet. It is an insult you wouldn’t use in an argument but instead if your friend had tripped and fallen. Or it’s just a trolley dumbass.
“That hill was so steep, I almost fell” said bilbo rumbus “mate u are an actual trolley” replied wrappa rat boi (the #1 hit rapper)
by Wrappa ratboi February 10, 2021
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(N) A shopping cart used by a homeless person for keeping his or her posessions.
"Hey, that dude is trying to jack your trolley!"
by Egrupons September 11, 2006
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A red trolley is when you go down on a girl while she is on her period.
Dude, I totally gave your girl friend a red trolley last night.
by Phoenix911 February 24, 2011
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Used to describe the car/vehicle typically driven by Samoans or Tongans
If you drive past the church on a Sunday, you'll see a bunch of Sole Trolleys parked out the front
by Ajahebsjxjd February 24, 2023
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Small penis dude on dude anal sex. Not a "train" which refers to a large "locomotive" or large penis, but a "trolley" or small penis, dude on dude sex.
Jeff and Ford are having a butt trolley session. Eww. They both have small penises.
by quantump8 August 17, 2014
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