I just made this word up for fun it’s better than “it’s good”
“Ay bro you trying to kick it tonight” me: “yeah bro say less it’s gooders
by Baby k the rapper July 1, 2022
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A person who purchases items within the value-tier of its respective market (clothing, vehicles, wristwatches, firearms, etc.) and asserts that these items are "just as good" as luxury-tier items that go for a street price two to three times higher than the item in question. Often a just-as-gooder is looking to justify their purchase and is in denial regarding the harsh reality that the age old adage "you get what you pay for" is often true.
This item is extremely pricey, but contrary to what your just-as-gooder friend may tell you, the price is well justified in the quality of the design and the materials used.
by gg8rate August 13, 2021
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A word that no one really uses except to be stupid children that have not yet learned englusb
“That booty was gooderer then my moms
That toy is my moms but it’s gooderer to me”
by DatRiceBoi September 14, 2020
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the best or the gooderer person
oh my gosh that was the gooderer movie ever
by gooderer December 15, 2021
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Gooderer means if the thing is more good but less better.
I have gooderer grammar than you.
by ceoofunfunny January 4, 2023
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A term used to confuse people and play a practical joke on them. When using the term one is suppose to convince the other person to either look it up or, preferably, ask someone who will look at them funny and as foolish. Most often used as a fake sports term.
Justin: "Mandy, you're a call gooder."
Mandy: "What's a call gooder?"
Justin: "Wait a minute! You coach and ref basketball and you don't know what a call gooder is?!?! Wow. You must be a "die hard" basketball junkie!" <<sarcasm>>
Mandy: "What is it?"
Justin: "I can't believe this. Your dad coaches basketball too, ask him!"
by JR STEELE January 22, 2007
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