Epic Fail:(n)Not your average fail-not just a oops- but a full blown, game over fail.

Epic Phail:(n)The failingest fail that anyone could ever fail. Its worse than Epic fail, so much worse that it can only be spelled Phail.
Epic Fail (phail)

1.That skate boarder just crashed into a pole trying too do a 180. (prime example of Epic Fail)

2.The skate boarder also fell with the pole attached to his helmet into a 1200 ft.deep lake.(prime example of Epic Phail)
by Meek Meek September 6, 2008
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A person who has gained celebrity status from an example, usually in the form of a youtube video, of them epically failing to do something. They have epically failed with such finesse that they have earned respect from everyone and will continue to remain viral on the interwebs for a long time.
"Yo dude, have you seen that Epic Fail Wizard Mark Gormley on youtube yet?"

"I literally wept the first time I heard his music, dude- it was like hearing an angel that just ate another angel- so it had the power of two angels"
by Mottsap April 22, 2010
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male of andrea & barbie's daughter
An attempt at success gone horribly wrong
Nobody even wants to know an epic failure
Dumb, useless annoying etc.
Reasonably stupid and ironical
Easy to make fun of
Way to weird
Kills all jokes that could be funny
Everyone finds them weird
Long lost-cause
Yeah thats right, an epic fail is something that is very ironic and stupid, sometimes funny. it can also be a person
The way he banged into that pole while trying to impress that girl, what an EPIC FAIL!

He's trying to pick up girls at that bar..with knock knock jokes..what an epic failure.
by Jiewo April 12, 2009
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The ultimate type of fail. Usually used in the same sentence with as the noun "Aftershock".
Dude 1: Aftershock just pushed through a new update!!
Dude 2: Yeah I heard it was another epic fail.
by yoyoyoyoyoo April 7, 2009
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the words commenly used in the b-off household when sam and/or rob are over playing guitar hero.
rob: EPIC gonna commit suicide!
sam: Epic break up!
rob: Epic FAILLLL
emily: I am an epic failure & not an epic guitar hero.
by emiiiilayy July 11, 2008
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when your life just sucks massive cock, and you suck at everything.
G1:Suck my dick!
G2: Sorry I choke on small items!
G1: ahawwaaahah..?!??!

you have epic fail syndrome, if your guy 1.
by arian_O March 20, 2010
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A fail of such incredible magnitude that epic fail alone cannot describe it. Only a small percentage of failure is great enough to be dubbed supreme, but that which is should not be forgotten and deserves the Supreme Epic Fail Award.
From YouTube:
Sconz32 (2 days ago)

A public declaration of Supreme Epic Fail at its finest.
by Whom it doesn't concern July 22, 2009
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