i don't even know
human 1:where is you're mom?

human:i don't even know
by achoman/powdahoo/hrman February 12, 2022
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Catch phrase used by office personnel to show smug superiority to others.
Cooter: Hey bud, did you do the TPS reports on Friday?

Ronious: Of course I did, you don't even know!
by Darth Ronious August 18, 2009
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Used to describe something that is out of the persons understanding. Is derived from Jamaican dancehall DJ's challenge to rival DJ's and call to audiences "ya don't know my style'' etc. Now used by townies and inner city kids to describe their experiences or views on life in general.
'We got so mashed... trust you don't know.''

''Rooney's volley was sick...you don't even know''
by Jaytool June 3, 2005
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when someone is making fun of you about something that may not be true while others are laughing at you, you start crying and suddenly yell, SHUT UP, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!" and run away.
mean guy: ha ha! you're a baby, you're an idiot!

other guy: leave me alone, i did nothing to you.

mean guy: stupid retard!!

other guy: *starts toy cry* leave me alone!

mean guy: you probably still wet the bed!

*runs out of the room crying*
by poor dude.... June 5, 2005
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This clever phrase was invented by the bright, young man, Chris Allen. He patented the phrase on July 15, 2007. The phrase, "I don't even know," is quite an unique expression. It can be used as a extreme adjective to describe the undescribable, or it can be used to express thoughts of confusion. It can also be used as a verbal space filler. This phrase will go down as one of the best phrases in all of phraseology history.
"Man, that girl is as ugly as... i don't even know."

"What's going on tonight, bro?"
"I don't even know, man."

((When in a conversation and an awkward silence comes up))
"Yeah, well, I dont even know."
by C.Allen February 23, 2008
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A catch-prashe/slang used by dumb kids who don't know how to express themselves any better.
The hispanic girl on MTV's NEXT kept saying "you don't even knowwww what I'm going to do" and "you don't even knowwww me". But sadly, she didn't even knowwww what she was trying to articulate.
by homelezz January 4, 2007
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