This is on May 31, its where, no matter what, you where ALL black. Even if you have school.
<friend 1> why is everyone where black, including you!?
<friend 2> its all black day jackass
by May 31 November 13, 2019
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On May 7th every person who got s€xu@lly assaulted/ r@ped is allowed to legally kill their rapists/ assaulters :)
Random:” Hey what’s today?”
Random 2:” Today is National “kill all r@pists” day! Have fun and be as brutal as you want because the deserve it!”
by Idontknowlmao April 19, 2021
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When something is such a good deal or idea that you would gladly take it at any time
Them: $500 a month utilities and internet are included
You: I'd do that all day!
by TonyDanza123 March 8, 2022
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``` SEPTEMBER 20 ```

National Get On All Fours Day!

This is the national day where all bottoms have to get on all fours infront of their top.
T: Get on all fours.
B: W-why?
T: It's National Get on all fours day.
B: Oh.
B: (Gets on all fours)
by ImDownBad August 25, 2022
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