Anyone with the name Amelia daniel is the exact definition of a finch
by December 10, 2021
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A plain female. Nothing bad, just blah. Female finches are boring. A non-entity.
Look at the finch at the end of the bar all alone. I'd go over, but why?
by Moustache Squeege January 25, 2023
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Finch it so fetch
Omg that's finch
by pp.pen October 30, 2020
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Finch is likely to either be the name of a person or a bird, but either way both have slammed headfirst into windows before.
"holy shit ! did you see finch slam into the window? dumbass."
by Angleknee November 25, 2021
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What is a finch. Where the hell did they come from.
by Avar… July 27, 2021
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Sweetest guy you will ever meet. Very cute and has an amazing personality, as well as a loving heart. He's also really handsome, like a piece of art or smth. Extremely artistic and talented, a sweetheart too. Will support and listen to your interests, even if he doesn't personally like them as much as you. Probably gay or bi
by dumbasstwink May 12, 2019
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