A bull dyke vehicle with a topper. These vehicles may include subaru, toyota's, s-10's ect.
"Oh look at Susie with her golden retriever in her toyota"
"Oh gosh, susie is such a bull-dyke mc topper."
by J Moss April 25, 2008
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A girl who can't stop or is always giving lap dances
OMG that girl gets around so much. Man she is a lap topper
by Mr.Goatheadboy January 4, 2019
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Guys use to chili topper me in middle school all the time, and I liked it.
by Allzwater December 29, 2016
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A GT is a person who likes to top any story you happen to tell him. Rather than being opportunistic and topping a story after hearing your story, the God-topper will ask a series of questions setting himself up to top your story.
Every time I tell Jim a story he tells me a story trying to top my story. Frank is a God-Topper, he gets you to tell him a story just to top it after.

Ex 2 Topper
Frank-“Hey Jim did I ever tell you about the time we went to the bar and got sick and threw up”

J.- “That’s crazy! Did I ever tell YOU about the time we went to the bar and all of us got sick and threw up on the bartender? Then the police came and slipped on the barf and fell to the ground Jim did I ever tell you about the time we went to the bar and got sick and threw up”They dropped their guns. A bullet hit my friend but he was okay!”

Ex3 Godtopper


Hey have you ever gone to the bar and gotten sick?


“Totally, Ya I have! Did I ever tell you about the time we went to the bar and got sick and threw up”.


J.- “That’s crazy! Did I ever tell YOU about the time we went to the bar and all of us got sick and threw up on the bartender? Then the police came and slipped on the barf and fell to the ground Jim did I ever tell you about the time we went to the bar and got sick and threw up”They dropped their guns. A bullet hit my friend but he was okay!”
by The Book of Grimy -Dizzle July 25, 2022
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When a girl strips naked, puts lotion on their breast, and spins a fidget spinner on the nipple.
Hey did you know that a titty-topper is good for your health if you do it once a day?
by Ur 3 MoMs GaY April 12, 2019
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