A Stuart is a person who looks up whilst underneath a fine crystal glass table whilst another person know as a Hanover sits on top of the table and defecates.
That man knows how to stop getting shit on himself, I bet he's a Stuart
by Glass Table Owners Group November 15, 2021
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Stuart is a person with a extremely small penis.
Stuart…Is it in yet? I can’t feel it….
by @hsiaisb4 November 22, 2021
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stuart has a HUGE dick
someone"dude have you seen stuart?"
someone(1) "ya dude but i saw his dick first
by vicky2.0 April 20, 2022
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A complete idiot and back stabbing self pleasurer. Likes to spread rumours and the biggest snowflake you will ever meet
by Stuarthater March 6, 2019
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Stuart is an amazing boy. Infact he is the best guy u will ever meet! My boyfriend is called stuart and he treats me like ima queen 👑 so i treat him like he is a king 👑. If you ever find yourself knowing a stuart and you like him, go for it because he is the kindest, loyalist, and most of all handsome. I love him so much. So dont make the wrong choice if u know a stuart.
Girl: i need someone who treats me like a queen, because ive been through alot!

Me: I have a stuart, maybe u should get one too!
by Imogen or stuart March 5, 2021
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A lazy middle class hippie crackhead you see around in the 90s. The moment you walk into his room you’ll feel high. Plays Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” on loop for hours. Friends will call him Stu or Stupig.
Hey Stu!

I wonder if Stuart is still alive now, he probably died of OD tho
by MarsLuvTabi August 7, 2018
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The best minion to ever exist he is the most coolest out of the three minions
Who's you favorite minion

Stuart is the best.
by Ye ofc June 30, 2022
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