A person characterized as caring to much and a people pleaser. Try’s to be there for everyone but struggles. Try’s to achieve perfection but never quite gets there. Falls hard for people to easily. A ride or die for anyone she cares about. Hides what she feels through a smile and finds it’s hard to give up on people. Stay by her side and she’ll stay by yours.
She’s always there for me, she’s my Sydney!
by Renee Sydney January 19, 2019
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Sydney's are crazy and loud, they mostly have beautiful long brown hair. Sydney's can always make people laugh and smile. Sydney's are so pretty but never realize it. The style that they wear is beautiful on them but no one else could pull it off if they wanted to. She is corky and acts like her mom. She loves all sports but mostly soccer.

When a guy likes her, he is always scared to tell her. She has to know the guy really well to like him. She has the most luck with making friends. She is very competitive and won't back down to challenges.
Girl: let's go to play soccer!
Boy: I don't want too!
Girl: Why? I thought you love soccer?
Boy: I do but Sydney is too competitive to play with!
by @beautifulnamez November 22, 2019
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Sydney's are beautiful people. Very strong minded, and opinionated. A helpful and compassionate person who stands strong ground with her beliefs. Loving daughter and a caring friend. Goofy and often times will say the funniest things at the most inappropriate times. Usually cannot be persuaded but can change a person's view on a subject. She's passionate about everything she does and has big dreams. Her faults are singing too loud and being clumsy. Don't betray the trust of her, though. She gives second chances but isn't stupid and naive. Be kind to her, like she is to you. Sydney is the most spontaneous girl you will ever know, and she is not one you should take for granted. Her faults are singing too loud and being clumsy. Don't betray the trust of her, though. She gives second chances but isn't stupid and naive. Be kind to her, like she is to you. Sydney is the most spontaneous girl you will ever know, and she is not one you should take for granted. She strives perfection. Procrastinates a lot, but is destined to be successful in her future.
Person 1: Oh you saw that girl?
Person 2: Yeah, I think she's a Sydney.
by Numerous_Mind March 10, 2019
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A beautiful girl. Loves everybody around her. Will most likely be with a Libra ♎️. Keep a Sydney with you foreveeeer
Damm she must be a Sydney with that ass
by SorryImTaken💔💓💝 July 9, 2019
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A girl who will talk to you every day and still enjoy your company. She's super cute and attractive, yet she doesn't see what others see in her. She is super funny, and likes to make lame puns. She makes you want to wake up every morning and make sure the first voice she hears every day is yours. She is the best friend you could ever have. Thousands of miles can separate you, but that can't get in the way of your friendship. The perfect girl. If you're lucky enough to find your own Sydney, don't let her get away. She has to have a best friend names Bridget to finish her off.
by baby byrd June 6, 2019
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Sydney's usually have blonde hair and green eyes. She loves dying her hair colors such as pink and purple. One thing you need to know about her is that she is an absolute WEEB! Her room is probably covered in anime posters and figures. She is an animal lover too; most Sydney's have 6-12 pets! Most likely she is a middle child. She is the kindest person you will ever meet but she can have a rude side to people she doesn't like and if she doesn't like you, she will make sure that you know. If you have a Sydney as your bestie, you have been blessed by the gods because she is the best human being ever. She is also GORGEOUS AS FUCK, it could make you shed a tear. She and her bestie are gonna get married one day if they aren't already. Even though she may seem happy on the outside, on the inside she is struggling. Let her know that you love her and will always be by her side. A Sydney is the best thing that will happen in your life so don't fuck it up and let her go. She tends to say "sorry" a lot because of her past trauma and assumes she has to (but it's also because she is really polite). Sydney's may also tend to be very awkward and shy. If Sydney is straight she will totally act gay with her bestie(also known as her wifey). A silly fact about some Sydneys is that they have a bladder smaller than a Mini Yorkie puppy. If anyone even looks at a Sydney weird her bestie will take care of it. Her bestie would take a bullet for her if she had to.
Sydney, if you see this, I want you to know you're my world and I love you with all my heart!- Her Wife:)
I miss you so much and hope to see you soon<3
I would die if I didn't have you in my life.
by TheBestPersonEverToExist June 13, 2022
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A Sydney or Syd is the best thing that’ll ever happen to you. She doesn’t compare to any other girl and everyone knows this. It’s very easy to fall in love with her. She never gives men the time of day unless she really likes you. When she does give that lucky man the time of day, they always fall for her. She’s smart and very funny. She’s sexy with a beautiful heart. She has big beautiful brown eyes and long great hair. If she cares about you, she will go to the end with you and always protect you. If she is in love with you, you’re all she sees. A Sydney isn’t just a girl who you’d have a random one night stand with. If you meet a Sydney, there’s a purpose behind it. Don’t ever hurt a Sydney though because you’ll only hurt yourself.
“She’s different. I wanna keep her around.”

Yea duh she’s Sydney.”
by edjg97 September 29, 2021
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