When someone gets pissed at you, usually a sibling, spouse or friend, and instead of taking it out all at once, he/she lets it out little by little for a couple of days. They do this to try to hide that they are mad at them. This usually comes with slight punches and violence and not talking to you that much. When they do punch or kick, they usually say the words, "oops," or "just kidding."
Dude, I dropped my brother's phone into the pool, I think he's trying to pull off a pissed-off-fade-away move on me.
by ????Mystery Genius???? April 15, 2016
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when after sexual intercourse with a partner you take a shit in their back and smear it all over their body
man me and amy did a pissed off dragon last night and it was awesome.
by Psyclouse March 9, 2022
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When someone is pissing off, they are being a jerk and trying to annoy people.
This can lead to many things, such as prison, gangs, bullying, and being Murdered by enemy’s.

This can also be used when a person is peeing on another person
Ryan: “look, I’m mr. dude! I’m a stupid man who thinks he owns the world.”
Steve: “dude! Stop pissing off!”

Steve: “fue stop pissing on me!”
Fue: “no! I like pissing off!”
by Stupid person was here¡!¡! December 19, 2019
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now you can piss off tonight
at 3.pissofftonightidfkanymore.com
piss off tonight
at 3.pissofftonightidfkanymore.com
by nylonthingy April 1, 2023
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Loves to piss people off
Loves to piss people off
by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker November 22, 2020
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To pee so hard you could take the bark off of a tree
When I was young, I could piss the bark off a tree.”
by CharlieAlpha November 13, 2022
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Pissed- Dude, that tattoo is pissed!
Pissed off- I've suped up my car, now I have a pissed off ride!
Pissed- That show was pissed/pissed off!!
by Maiden666 August 6, 2018
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