A beautiful & unique girl . Who is also funny but can have attitude. She is strong & one of the most faithful girls there is. She is one out of a million.
Jazmine Angelica Garcia is a prize to have.
by Uniquely_me February 23, 2015
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Jazmin Anne is the type of girl you shouldn't mess with or she will beat the shit out of you. Yet Jazmin Anne is sensitive, crazy, wild, Interesting and shy but as you get to know her she will open up and show her true self. She also usually has a great body and loves her hair. If you have a Jazmin Anne in your life you better keep her safe...
"Yo! dude look at her, she must be a Jazmin Anne."
by ..KNOW.IT.ALL.. October 11, 2018
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Jazmin Facer is girl that doesn't take crap from other people. She is best friend quality she will stick up for her friends no matter what. She will always be there for her friends and family. Although its takes a while for her to open up to you but once she does you can see the real her. Her personality shows her craziness , funniness, kindness and maybe sometimes her sassiness .Uf you have a Jazmin facer in your life better keep her.
Guy 1: Yo bro did you hear what happened!?

Guy 2: No? what happened?

Guy 1: Jazmin facer's bestfriend got cheated on, she beat the crap of of him.

Guy 2: Ohh shit!! isnt he in hospital still.
by Chip partayy December 3, 2020
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Jazmin is girl that doesn't take crap from other people. She is best friend quality she will stick up for her friends no matter what. She will always be there for her friends and family. Although its takes a while for her to open up to you but once she does you can see the real her. Her personality shows her craziness , funniness, kindness and maybe sometimes her sassiness .If you have a Jazmin in your life better keep her.
Guy1: did u know that a guy cheated on Jazmin Palacios’ best friend and she beat the crap out of him.

Guy2: yea he's still in the hospital
by Queenbeebixch November 2, 2020
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Jazmin is very awesome !! she is deffo 100% btter than ricky .
jazmin b>>>>>
by youmomisinluvwithme October 25, 2022
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she got a phat ass and some nice titties, gives great head.
1:got some amazing head last night
2: was it from jazmin farley?
by Heybitch101 October 23, 2019
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