My gorgeous bestfriend! She’s the most stunning, funny, amazing woman you’ll ever meet. If you ever find a Gracie, keep her forever. She has bright green eyes that can make your whole world shine, and the most stunning sparkling smile in the world. Her glasses top it all of:)

She’s average height and is usually born in February. She is very self conscious And is in love with attention. She doesn’t realise how stunning she is.

She can always make a joke but is truly sad. She hides her pain with a smile:) if you ever find a Gracie, she will become your best friend for life. Keep her forever!
OMG there’s a new girl in my class !! She’s stunning!

Gracie is so smart!
by MfaithC August 15, 2018
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Gracie is the best person in the world. She is drop dead gorgeous, and doesn’t know. She is the best and I wish she would know that I love her. She is every definition of perfect there is no way anyone in the world is better than her. She does so much for everyone and gets nothing in return. I love you so much Gracie
Look how hot Gracie is l!
by Your ky June 23, 2019
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Gracie is a very beautiful girl who will stay up with you all night and make you laugh. Gracie will always cheer you up when you are feeling down and she will make you laugh for days. Gracie is a great person and will always be by your side when you need her. Gracie is also the prettiest and most beautiful girl I know
Gracie is beautiful
by Rohan Dalal January 11, 2019
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Gracie is the most beautiful person you will ever meet. She is always the most kind person and always makes people smile. Gracie is the most trustworthy and loyal friend you could ever have, she always looks on the bright side of a situation and is always positive. Gracie makes everyone feel welcome in every situation. She never fails to make someone’s day better and always helps you on your hardest days. Gracie makes everyone feel loved. Gracie always keeps her promises and is very easy to trust. Everybody who meets her loves her instantly! Gracies normally go out with Noel’s.
Gracie is a name
by TheGodOfKnowledge August 1, 2019
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A Gracie is a beautiful girl who will always be by your side. If you wanted to have a friend that you could speak to no matter what situation a Gracie is the friend to go to. Gracies are normally extremely attractive physically( Some common traits of Gracies is to have athletic bodies, dark blonde hair, and green or blue eyes) and mentally. Gracies are extremely kind and rarely will judge someone, not to mention their quirky and hilarious personalities. Gracie’s also make great relationships but be careful because they are flirtatious and many people can fall for them. Altogether Gracie’s are some of the best people to grace this planet and if you ever meet one you should make an effort to be their friend...or more ;)
Girl: Gracie is so kind.

Boy:not to mention she’s beautiful
by Lindalane April 30, 2019
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A hyper ball of joy. She has crazy hair. Her energy is bright and loyal. Loves to cuddle but has a short attention span. Good girl.
Wow Gracie is so cute and fun
by Phantrashhh January 6, 2018
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