The ruling class that that controls politicians with political donations. Example:
US Senators politicians need to raise more than 10 million dollars to run no working class person can contribute so US senators, so senators than kiss the ass of these donor class.

But donor class demand special favors like high pharmaceutical prices versus what Europe prices are.
Remember donor class never give anything without strings attached.
The donor class controls 100% of all politicians in the USA
by Lee can July 21, 2023
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Long ass boring class with no end. Here you can get yelled at for going to the bathroom while being lectured on about cells being mighty morphing power rangers. As my cells multiply so do my chromosomes.
"Damn bro i just got kicked out of wybo's class "
friend"Bro why"
friend 1 "I said the og star wars trilogy was shit"
by burgerjunky March 24, 2020
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A class where teachers over-use the pushups punishment, they also make excuses to make us do extra exercises,
I hate Gym Class so freaking much, It's the worst class I ever went to
by Bored_Max November 18, 2021
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Gym Class is a VR game filled with either the nicest people in the world or racist 8 year olds who never touch grass. Most of them say the n-word and breathe heavily into the mic because they haven’t touched grass.
John: Should I download Gym Class?
Hunter: Yes, it’s a fun game!
John: *Plays for 5 minutes** (Kills Himself)
by White Chocolate_VR May 28, 2022
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The Protester Class is a class of people above the middle class but below the upper class. While most middle and lower class people need to hold down a steady job to pay their bills, the Protester Class doesn't have that burden and are therefore free to spend their days protesting and evenings rioting and/or looting. Though being an elite class of people, the Protester Class is much more diverse than other top classes. It is not uncommon to observe rich college students "protesting" arm in arm with hardened felons and psychopathic anarchists.
Ronnie: "Hey Kent, after today's protest you wanna go break into Nike and steal some Jordans, then go and burn down that restaurant your moms works at?"
Kent: "Man I wish.. I gotta be at work tomorrow morning, though."
Ronnie: "Work? Didn't anyone tell you that "Uncle George" is taking care of us? I haven't had to work in months. Welcome to the Protester Class, my friend."
by Powr Botm 217 September 14, 2020
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Abbreviation of Shit-Class. This means Merc is on their way out.
Oh crap. That guy is driving an S-Class.
by Shitrolla February 4, 2017
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