Jeon Jungkook truly an ACE best at everything dancing, singing, composing, producing, rapping, visuals, songwriting, beatboxing, playing various instruments etc. No other artist can match up to him !
did you hear about jungkook's production and composing talents? he's indeed the worldwide ace
by jk’slily May 17, 2021
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A person who is skilled in a variety of disciplines, highly intelligent and well rounded. Capable of feats ranging from physical to cerebral to interpersonal. An ace master excels in all of them.

In addition, a key defining characteristic of an ace master is her nonchalance after a particularly remarkable performance. This is not the result of false humility, but rather a total lack of surprise at her success.
" I heard he landed a job at Facebook, Google, and the DoD offering to pay 300K straight out of highschool. He turned them down to competitively joust and became a world champ. Now he owns an island where he hosts a celebrity talkshow"

"What a fucking ace master"
by lopsighted March 29, 2016
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A gamer guy whose name is probably Benjamin. He's tall, dark, handsome, and most likely has a meaty cock. He probably kissed a chubby cat girl at a bar on Halloween and got COVID, but that's because he's a stud and don't give a FUCK.
Ace Blue has a huge dong, at least that's what the cat girl told me.
by Kilroy Scott April 15, 2023
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1. Ace in public relations, like Edward Bernays himself, 100% pro, level 9999999, god of PR.
2. Faggot. Not gay. Not homosexual. Faggot. A very bad person.
- Do you know who Edward Bernays was?
- Yeah, he was a real PR-ace.
- True!
by Murdoc Kylburne May 4, 2019
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A person that lived in slums early in their lifetime and are continually affected by it, mostly shown in their walk, talk, attitude, and mentality.

The name of a hip-hop click from Kansas.
Jimmy is rich now, but he's still a Project Ace.
by xlae-x March 25, 2003
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Eyes hurting from not seeing your girlfriend on ft or in person
by JaylahDaddy July 27, 2022
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1. Going at something full-bore
2. Excelling
3. Speed
1. Man, we got hit with a rush last night.. I was blazing aces behind the bar!

2. Did you see Adam Lambert on Idol last night? He was blazing aces on Mad World. Srsly.

3. I blazed aces on that test.
by Reality Chick July 16, 2009
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