The act of peeing in someone's butt hole.
Hey Debbie I want to give you a lemon log.
by Tony the Guy February 13, 2017
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when you are taking a shit and the poop hits the water hard, causing water to splash back up into your anal cavity.
Coby's Log Voyage sent shivers down his spine as water drifted inside his rectum.
by yoimba July 4, 2017
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My boy John has quite the log rocket. You can see the imprint through his shorts!
by bigboi10928 August 30, 2022
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When a girl sucks your dick from the side as if eating corn on the cob.
Bro, did you see the way she logged chog last night?

Ya bro, she the best log chogger I've had in a while.
by Tmoney2020 May 17, 2016
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One whose nickname, or 'handle', can be referred to as "Mason."
1:) That m-log can't fit in the mason jar.

2:) DAAAAMMMMN! Did you see that hoe from the trap house that m-log bagged?!
by ElectrikBoogaloo November 15, 2017
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Confirming to another person that what they said will noted as having occurred. Therefore part of history and denoted within the systemic brain. Typically performed while motioning with your hand as if you push a piece of paper forward through a copy machine.
Girl to boy: so I told my boss that he was a clown
Boy: wow nice. Logged (with hand gesture)
by SoulGlooo September 18, 2021
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Something that shouldn't happen but it does
An example of ip logging on live chat
Support: How can I help you?
Me: *copypastes rickroll link*
Support: Your IP is insert ip. Your location is insert location. You have been reported.
by i eat uranium fuel rods June 5, 2023
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