Watermelon sugar by Harry styles was written for the album 'Fine Line' and the song was released in November of 2019 as a single. The song is the second track to appear on Style's album. While the actual meaning of the song for two years was a conspiracy by fans, Style's confirmed its true meaning at the Love On Tour show in Nashville in early October of 2021. Style's went on to tease the crowd before finally telling the truth. "This song is about... it doesn't really matter what it's about," Styles said while the instrumental version of the song played behind. "It's about... it's about, uh, the sweetness of life," Styles continued to say just before making the crowd sing the very first verse of the song. During the middle of the song, he dropped the meaning. "It's also about the female orgasm," Styles said. "But that's totally different. It's not really relevant.".
Kevin: "Hey, did you hear what Harry said about Watermelon sugar?"
Leeroy: "About Watermelon Sugar?"
Kevin: "Yeah he confirmed that is was about the female orgasm"
by Imnervousitsnicetofeelsomethin October 19, 2021
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WHY THE FUCK IS THIS NUMBER 1 ON TRENDING WORDS IN 2021 - No one can even remember what it means
a: why the fuck is watermelon Sugar trending still?
b: no one fuckin knows, it's lost all it's meaning over time
by LBSi UK (YouTube) June 7, 2021
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Harry Styles wrote another song about fruit but it’s not really about fruit it’s about oral sex
A song for the locals
Samuel: Hey Tracy, have you heard that song “Watermelon Sugar”?
Tracy: Yeah I love that song!
Samuel: you are such a local
by lawnmendes April 28, 2021
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An defenition that has lost its meaning sadly xd
Person 1: Ayy yooo have you checked watermelon sugar on urb dic meh boi?
Person 2: wow i thought wasn't on urb dic
Person 1: hell yeah it is; go check it out man! It just lost its meaning that's all
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A word that has been trending on Urban Dictionary for almost 2 years.
Me: yo wtf Watermelon sugar is still trending??
Friend: whats Watermelon sugar?
Me: it’s something that will never not be trending!!!
by Animedudeツ February 18, 2021
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