A fan-made Spider-Man movie that was scheduled to release in 2023, but was canceled due to leaked racist dms from the main director (Gavin Konop) and the actor for Spider-Man (Warden Wayne). The movie would of followed Peter Parker after the death of his girlfriend Gwen Stacy, contemplating if he should give up being Spider-Man.
Guy 1: Hey, have you heard of Spider-Man: Lotus?

Guy 2: Oh you mean that movie that was made by the racist?
by packtober December 16, 2022
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Chinese slang term for a girl who looks pure and innocent but in reality is two-faced, slanders others and does things to make their status or reputation better than everyone else's.
I can't believe she would do that! Oh she is a White Lotus girl. Ohhhh that explains it.
by Cutekittys May 5, 2023
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A bizarre sex move wherein one of the partners stretches the other’s asshole, whilst the other receives insects into their anal cavity.
Damn I, gave that bitch the gaping lotus experience last night.
by AssFucker69420 August 5, 2018
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When you have explosive diarrhea all over a celebrity.

Especially after eating bad Chinese food.

Or especially on Jared Leto.
I totally just saw Miley Cyrus and posed a Golden Lotus.
by Kkings September 20, 2014
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The most fatal of all kung-fu styles.
Luna: (...) Its called white lotus kung-fu
Huey: White lotus? Thats the deadliest style there is.

(Boondocks s01e06)
by 421Anonymous. November 2, 2013
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The Succulant Lotus is an act in whit her two heterosexual humans grow sharp horns on their genitals whist performing intercourse, after both humans have orgasmed they grow Lotus’s on the horns. These flowers produce whales.
This couple often uses the Succulant Lotus Position
by God1925 July 17, 2018
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