Jason had to go to the emergency room after the banana pumper competition with Hershal.
by 1975 October 7, 2008
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A phrase derived from the song "Fuck me Pumps" recorded by Amy "Trainwreck" Winehouse.

"Fuck me pumpers" is an adjective for the person wearing the pumps. "Fuck me pumpers" have a tendency to seek out friendships with women 5-10 years younger than they are in order to hit on the guys that approach them. They come off friendly and inviting but that is just a ploy to reel a man in so they can agressively and wontonly pursue him, whether he is attracted to them or not. The more a man resists, the more aggressive and demanding they become.

"Fuck me pumpers" have a hard time taking no for an answer and should a man they have set their sights on cave and engage in ANY form of physical contact with them, be it "fooling around" or actual sex, you are considered their property and they will use any and all tactics in their arsenal to showcase their achievement with you as the trophy. They will assume authority over all aspects of your life and try to control and manipulate all of your personal and professional relationships. Should you later regret the association with a "fuck me pumper" and try to sever ties, she will turn on you in a heartbeat and use the same shady tactics she used to get you against you. She will use emotional blackmail, feigned emotions, and outright threats. Best thing to do when approached by a "fuck me pumper" is to break the wrist and walk away...don't even smile as they might take that as a sign of approval and acceptance. JUST.WALK.AWAY.
Guy 1: I'm thinking of fooling around with one of the "fuck me pumpers" at work. She's not all that hot, but she's all over my dick, and I like the attention right now.

Guy 2: DON'T DO IT! The last time I fooled around with a fuck me pumper she acted like we were engaged or something. She stalked all these girls that liked me, caused all kinds of drama, and I didn't even fuck her.

Guy 1: Whaaaaaaaaat???? You didn't even fuck her?

Guy 2: No dude. She wasn't THAT hot. I just fooled around with her a little, let her grab on my package and bitch went all Fatal Attraction on me and shit.

Guy 3: Yeah flip that. This girl ain't even a 5 outta 10. Thanks for the warning bro.
by Trish76 July 17, 2010
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1) A woman from Peru who's occupation is that of giving handjobs in the back parking lot of Walmart for $5

2) A device from Peru that is used to erect the male genitalia.

3) A mentally impared person whom nobody wants to be around.
1) That Peruvian Penis Pumper was a freak man.

2) Woman: I want to have sex.
Man: One second I'll go get my Peruvian Penis Pumper

3) God stay away from that Peruvian Penis Pumper
by hastatus3 May 3, 2010
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A male who is smelly and like to pump pussy
My goodness Clive really smells like a tramps armpit but golly gosh he loves to pump that gash! He’s a real smelly pussy pumper
by Big T Hound October 21, 2021
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to use both your hands while finger banging some slut in a pumping manner, four fingers mininmum.
i gave that cunt sarah leader a texas double pumper
by badtouch August 13, 2008
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excessive fucking of poodles up the ass. Word made up by leon capone.
Ray is a poodle pumper.
by wenis toucher October 18, 2003
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When you have sex
With a girl and you cum after like 3 seconds worth of humping.
My bf is such a "2 second pumper"
by THEword 14 September 29, 2016
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