verb - to be drunk.

A Scottish slang word for being intoxicated.
'Alison had 8 jager-bombs last night, needless to say, she was mugged by 11 o'clock.'
by HPftw September 18, 2012
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Mug is a English term for idiot or some one stupid.

For instance

Barry: ' Damn i lost your money! '
Gazza: ' Ah you mug!'

Can be used as an insult but is commonly known to be used to call friends as a joke.
You bloody Mug

Ah Gazza is a MUG

what the hell you mug.

jog on you mug.
by That British Fella January 21, 2009
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A person who allows themselves to be taken advantage of regularly by anyone and everyone.
Andrew: 'Chelsea, will you fetch me a cuppa?'
Chelsea: 'Yeh sure'
Katie: 'Chelsea don't be a mug, let him get it himself!'
by andrewguy10 November 7, 2011
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Someone who will soon suffer the consequences for a very poor choice.
Ben just paid 20 fucking dollars for a mug from Urban Dictionary...what a fucking mug!
by Benzo! October 19, 2009
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Ed: You’re a such a mug
Anne-Marie: you’re even muggier
by BadGirlfriendMug January 26, 2019
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1. A Coffe Cup.
2. A Person Who Steals Somthing Of A Person

3. Slang for "stupid"
1# Youre a Mug

2# Fuck Off You Twat

1#Nooo.... YOU
by Czllzm November 8, 2009
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