One of the best people you will ever meet in your life. Just a simple smile from them and you will feel happy! Mak always puts others in front of them and it's hard to see when he's sad because they hide it so well that you can't tell. They are extremely talented and is also friends with everyone. It's hard to make a Mak sad or angry. They are always happy. Never doubt a Mak's judgment. They always somehow know what's best for you. Mak can also be anything from the parent of the friend group to the party one. Mak's are just amazing overall.
"Omg who is that person? I had so much fun with them at the party today!"

"Yea, that's just like the best person ever! he's such a Mak!"
by Dreamyycos September 8, 2021
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That kid in class normally seen as the doe eyed golden retriever. Normally somebody in band or choir. Mak jokes about cheese to the point it’s predictable. All Maks are lactose intolerant.
Stop being such a Mak”
by TheLazyOne1423 January 24, 2022
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a significant other to one; that is usually a 'bed buddy'.

originated from the word mak
pegz: 'what you doin tonight harves?'
harves: 'just seein my mak toy to get some ;)'
pegz: 'oh you dog!'
by kayla Custance June 30, 2008
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