Foof is another word for fluff.

Origins: A word accidentally created by on Instagram after trying to say food
That's some good foof on that furry
by Foof Club June 4, 2020
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When you get the shit blown out of you with a shotgun, or shotgun-like firearm.
-"Did you see that guy get foofed"?
-"Yeah, his head was 30 feet away from his body."
by Closet Foofer I September 1, 2008
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Jon: “Ayo Jack, you get that Prada bag for your girl?”

Jack: “The one I got her is foof, let’s hope she can’t tell”
by J Vo May 4, 2022
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James, if you think that a girl with 200k snapchat karma won't cheat on you, then you are a fucking foof!
by Gymnopedist January 24, 2022
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Hipster speak for a shart, when a seemingly innocuous foof unexpectedly follows through with a poof.

May also refer to the sex act of being farted and pooped on.
Me: “Dave, that sounded like a foof n poof
Dave: “Sorry man. I better go change my undies
by Muzzlenz August 20, 2018
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