A term used by degenerates who want the credibility and reputation of an actual financial advisor but don't want the accountability and liability that comes along with it. Mainly used by room temperature IQ individuals on TikTok, Youtube, Twitter, etc under the age 21 who probably don't even have a degree, CFA, or any knowledge about basic economics yet feel the need to give financial advice.

You can find them on social media using terms like #ToTheMoon #Stonks #DiamondHands and bandwagoning the latest hype stock or meme crypto and then never to be seen again until another hype stock is talked about by the masses as they don't know anything else about the financial world other than riding the current trend.

They are somewhat related to furus (fake gurus) who want to sell you $1000 courses on stock market education you could probably find on the internet with a few minutes of research. These wannabe financial advisors love to talk about meme stocks and cryptos as well as telling people to #BuyTheDip or #HODL #DoNotSell while still putting in their disclaimer "All posts are opinions and I do not give buy, hold, or sell recommendations."

The problem with these fake advisors is that they think saying they aren't financial advisors creates a loophole where they can't be held liable for their advice. This is literally the same concept as using copyrighted material and saying "No copyright infringement intended" which completely contradicts their statement.
Actual financial advisor: I use highly complex algorithms and statistical modeling to determine accurate probabilities on my investments and can show you that investing in the S&P500 index has proven to give around a 10% return for the past 10 years

Wannabe financial advisor: stonks go brrr, doge to the moon, buy the dip guys, apes strong together *loses life savings after yoloing it on 0 day expiration options*

Actual financial advisor: This person definitely has "I am not a financial advisor" in their bio
by Mediocre Quant June 18, 2021
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A group of people who are in the middle of a class action lawsuit, because they conned a bunch of clients into investing in funds that would mostly benefit the advisor.
If you get a phone call from an American Express Financial Advisor, my advise to you is to run. These advisors live in nice homes off of "your" money
by Conned August 15, 2008
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Any executive within the Banking, Mortgage or Insurance industries that, despite their own failed job performance, still believe they should be grossly over-compensated at the expense of stockholders, or more recently, taxpayers, via bailout monies.
Executives at AIG are a prime example of a Domestic Financial Terrorist (DFT's). After they run their company into the ground, they keep their job then pay themselves millions of taxpayer bailout money as a bonus.

Also known as Poo-Flinging-Office-Monkeys.(No offense to monkeys, they likely would have done a better job running AIG).
by Meeray March 17, 2009
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The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from spending money on someone or something.
Oh, your not wanting to have sex huh, your trying abstinence? Okay, then I guess I will have to practice financialence! and not spend any money on your ass!
by Greg.S-Michael.T February 16, 2016
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The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from spending money on someone or something.
"If I give you good sex, will you please stop being so financialent with me?"
by Greg.S-Michael.T February 16, 2016
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When you are feeling rich in spirit, but you are too financially poor to play music chairs. Here we go round the mulberry bush... again... cuz we're really really poor... financially...
When you are feeling rich in spirit, but you are too financially poor to play music chairs. Here we go round the mulberry bush... again... cuz we're really really poor... financially...
by MK Dicky May 17, 2021
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Financial Combustion is a phenomenon that is best described and often related to large companies, like Wal-Mart, that move in and invade your business territory.

First sparks are seen coming from your battered store as your skinny wife and hungry children watch in horror as flames engulf your business premise completely until only fireman and ashes are visible.

This occurs when your businesses are unfortunately in the same neigborhood.

Followed by a desperate call to your insurance company.

This also applies to neigborhoods were Homo-Depot, Cocksco, resturants like Mc Pukes, and Grim Hortons make the move on ya!
Financial Combustion Starvation Deprivation Misfortune possible Death Anger Fire
by 2ttzu November 24, 2009
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