Smells like shit because the owner locks it in the apartment all the time while the dog barks day and night.
dog friendly apartment: knock on door. " Hi I'm your neighbor it is 2:00 am can you please silence your barking dog" while thinking Christ I'm going to upchuck from the stench.
by buckeyeoh November 15, 2017
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A D in apartment 23 is someone who lives in an apartment that you really don't like, or even hate.
Oh my god, I can't believe I go to work with the D in apartment 23!
by GLACIALDUDE January 31, 2022
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An acronym for A.I.D.S (Aquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome), a more discreet way of saying someone has HIV/AIDS. Goes hand in hand with “House In Virginia

Commonly used by the Black LGBTQ+ community.
“How’s Gary?”
“His House In Virginia has become an Apartment In Dallas
“Ooh, yikes
by Kinghopeful February 22, 2022
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Just left your aparte, thanks for letting me stay for awhile
by Wanduzé April 6, 2018
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