Abbreviation for : Asheron's Call.

An operating system for the program Decal.
"I run Decal and play games without playing them!"
"I use AC to run it."
"AC? wtf?"
"Asheron's Call, decals operating system, it's essential for decal. I bought a copy so I could test my macro's"
"Omfg cool"
by Angel Ashley of Morningthaw March 15, 2003
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Similar to owned, or pooned, used in online gaming.
Yesterday I aced this kid in Halo 2
by D3r3k B May 18, 2005
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Anal Cunt, a grindcore band with 50+ songs per album formed in the early 90's. Top hits include:

"I made your kid get aids so you could watch it die",

"I'm Glad You Got Breast Cancer, Cunt".

"I Gave Nambla Pictures Of You Kid",

"I Became A Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It"

"You Look Adopted"
dude, anal cunt was totally ripping on chris barnes from 6 feet under.

Anal cunt played this song called "You Robbed A Sperm Bank Because You're A Cum Guzzling Fag" and it only lasted 12.5 seconds.
by Hatheg-Kla January 19, 2005
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A term created in Counter Strike meaning 1 person fraging (or killing) 5 or more people.
"Dude, check out this guy!"
"He just aced us with a Deagle in 1:32!)
"Daaaaaaamn thats good.)
by swoopdawoop July 26, 2009
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Synonymous with wonderful, top-notch, peachy, top drawer, etc.
What you just said was ace!

Your coat is ace.

Freddy, you're ace!
by Phwoar! January 22, 2004
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Audible Chuckle, an alternative to LOL that never quite caught on.
Chatroom conversation:

Guy 1:...and im like, don't look now but its all over ur shirt
Guy 2: AC
Guy 1: WTH is AC??!!
Guy 2: It means *audible chuckle*. You know, like I'm laughing.
Guy 1: y the hell don't u just say LOL like a normal person???!!11
by Nomen Nescio May 18, 2007
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1. when you successfully score an A on a test .

2. when you wipe out an enemy team or completely demolish someone in an FPS.

3. one of the superior cards in a deck of cards.
1. Yes, I finally scored an Ace on my pre-cal test.

2. Dude I just Aced their whole team by myself, what a bunch of noobs.

3. Holy crap guys watch out, he has an Ace.
by hax pex April 30, 2008
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