Tobias is like an old soul. He is smart, wise and gives the best advices. He also has the purest soul. Everybody should have a Tobias in their life.
Oh, i talked to Tobias and now i feel 100% better.
by melikey1111 January 14, 2023
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Er ist sehr sexy und alle Frauen stehen auf ihn. Genauso hat er einen großen Schwanz. Her ist stärker als Chuck Norris
Tobias ist der beste Mann auf der ganzen Welt
by Max_12345 January 2, 2017
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He is very handsome, strong, attractive and is very good in football:D
He is usually surounded by very attractive girls.
You are very Tobias
by Tobiaa October 22, 2019
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Tobias is the shy type of guy who will most likely not date anyone cause they are too boring
Has a pretty body and face and has the opportunity to date but doesn't take it. Instead they will go for a girl that has no interest in him at all.

Definitely straight. Ive never met a single Tobias whos gay.

Calls himself Toby whenever someone asks what his name is

Music is life-

Likes to talk a lot but still always gets listened to until he's done :)

Has ADHD. Trust me!

Bad at communicating and sharing emotions

Pretty fun guy but he really has to do something with that hair… sorry
Person: So whats your name?
Tobias: Toby
Person: ...
Person: So Tobias...?
Tobias: ...Yes...
Person: Alright... Gotcha
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A legend and Vice King of Retardonia.
Pronounced To-bee-iss
Tobias is the king so don't disobey him.
by SMUG KING December 26, 2020
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